Dillon, day 107 of my life in DC!

Every Morning, Dad gets up and gets ready for work way before any of the rest of us want to get up. He likes to say he’s quiet and doesn’t wake anyone up, but he’s gotta be talking about Mom only. Sleeping Beauty never wakes up when Dad leaves. Micky and I, on the other hand, hear everything, the shower, the stumbling around in the closet, the swearing because he can’t find that “G$* Damned” light chain, all of it.

So this morning, as Dad was getting ready to go downstairs, Micky sat up and shook off like she was going to follow him down. I should have known better. Right after she stretched, she scooted over next to Mom, circled once, and then plopped down as close as she could get to Mom. Micky loves to act like she doesn’t like to snuggle, but if you watch carefully, you’ll see her scooch up next to people all the time. She loves sitting with Dave. (He has lots of padding…) And forget about prying her away from Kathy. Micky LOVES Kathy and if Kathy will carry her around all night, the little bowling ball is as happy as a bug in a rug.
When we did get up thirty minutes later, at a more reasonable time, and after breakfast, Mom decided we were going on a nice long walk. It was very cold out there and the wind was howling, but it felt good to be back out in the hood again with no rain soaking my fur. I love walking around the neighborhood.
Today was going great, right up to the point when we got ditched so mom could go “hunting.” Whatever, I needed a nap anyway. I don’t know where she goes or why we can’t come with her, but she certainly comes back with a full load. Luckily her “kill” included treats for the four-legged family members. It’s about the only thing that makes it worth not throwing a tantrum when she leaves.
That’s about it for today. It was a good day and the only thing that didn’t really work out was our attempt to call Grandpa-Wyoming to tell him Happy Birthday. He was probably out whoopin’ it up somewhere, but I guess that’s okay. You’re supposed to have fun on your birthday. Maybe he was out playing in the horse manure. That would be a great way to spend your birthday!

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Mike Olness
Mike Olness One more of Micky “hiding” from the “Little Monster.”

Image may contain: dog and indoor
Mike Olness
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